Friday, August 1, 2008

jobs I would not want

Tennis Court/Golf Course Employee

Initially, the unexperienced reader might think that either of these venues would provide plenty of opportunities for active fun and a snazzy work wardrobe, but to conclude that these jobs are all upside would be wrong, to put it mildly.

The primary task an employee would perform in these instances is: picking up balls. Over and over. All day.

Once recently I played tennis with a tennis coach friend of mine, so I spent about two hours flailing around with a racket, missing, and subsequently picking up a shit ton of tennis balls. And let me tell you that after a while, the last thing in the world your mind and body want to do is bend over for that stupid yellow ball. And the next day, your hamstrings don't want to do anything at all, in protest.

And that would be your life. For which you'd probably be compensated poorly.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that why they have hoppers on tennis courts, and those funny carts that roll around the place where golfers hit bunches of balls? I feel like I remember cheering when I saw one hit the cart.

Beyond that, I totally agree about the shitty factor of the jobs :)

Unknown said...

Or those fun baskets that you jam on the ground and the tennis balls hop up inside (in theory)!